How first responders are building multiple streams of income using real estate, while still working full time! 

That Will Kick Off Your Journey To Financial Freedom, Increase Your Income, Develop Your Financial IQ, Plus Build Generational Wealth & Security without relying on Struggling Pensions, Climbing Rank, or Grinding Out Endless Overtime!

Watch This Short Video Below To Learn How:


We put this course together for every first responder who is willing to listen, learn and take action – on how you can multiply your wealth, income, and most importantly control your time, and create more opportunity and security for you and your family. 

It can be as simple as not wanting to continually exchange your time for money by grinding out those never ending OT shifts, but rather spend your time where you value it most.

It can be the desire to retire early and have the ability to do more in retirement, or the passion you may have to build generational wealth and leave a legacy to your family or loved ones... something our struggling pensions can't do!

This online course is easy, practical, and is designed to guide you and hold you accountable so that regardless of your experience or financial position, you can get started creating your future TODAY

You're not alone if you feel like life shouldn't be limited to a limited paycheck and a shrinking pension! 

Imagine you spend the next few months setting up your future, learning what you need to know from top experts, and immediately start seeing your dreams come true by buying your first, second, or even third investment property...

By following a proven system of creating additional wealth and income... You'd be able to live your life stress free, knowing you have consistent cash flow every month (giving you and your family the freedom to live life on your own terms.)

You could relax, knowing that your investments are increasing in value over time (meaning you and your family are set up for generations to come). 

We invest so much of ourselves towards helping others first every day… it’s about time we begin to invest in ourselves as well. 

So how do you get started you ask? Easy…. Start by investing in yourself, your family’s future, and invest in real estate with purpose... and this course can help with that.

You can learn all this from home, all while you're still working your 9-5 job and only spending 1-2 hours per week!

What are you waiting on? What you feed your mind today, what action you take today will shape your future tomorrow.

Do NOT depend on luck to win you money in Real Estate.

Save yourself the time, money and headache by following a simple blueprint that is already tried, tested and proven to work!

So if you're tired of the uncertainty. Tired of waiting for the "perfect time".  Tired of making excuses. Then you might just be ready...

Ready to take the first step and ready to take control of your financial future.

If that's the case, this course is exactly what you're looking for. See you on the inside!

Maybe you....

  • Are a First Responder who wants more than to rely on a limited pension to retire, and stop exchanging time for money
  • Have tried online courses before but they were full of broken promises, or the investment was too much to actually get started
  • Have a little bit of cash or equity and are ready to invest because you know there's money to be made using real estate, but don't know where to start
  • ​ Are ready to invest in yourself and your family so you can build real generational wealth, something pensions cant do

Like most First Responders before they take this course...

  • Lack the motivation to get started because it all seems too hard, overwhelming, or expensive
  • Between shiftwork and family life they don't feel they have the time to do it
  • ​Are worried about wasting your hard earned cash on a poor investment or making expensive mistakes
  • Don't understand the legalities, strategies, or have the right team around them to make sure they succeed


This training will give you clarity on the fundamentals and skillset you need to know before taking that first step through Active or Passively investing in Real Estate. Get access to the proper tools, and follow the detailed blueprint taught by industry leaders inside. This course will give you the confidence and support to take massive action with confidence, no matter your rank/age/income level!

Resources & Videos
Stay on track with the detailed on-demand training modules that break down everything you need to know about active and passive investing in any real estate market. PLUS bonus modules for additional information
Access To Approved Deals
Get exclusive access to Approved property deals that fit both our acquisition guidelines and your goals. 
This is extremely valuable for those who want to save a lot of time. We do the hard work for you so you dont have to. 
This course will hold you accountable to your commitment. Provide you with the motivation, focus, and a clear direction towards achieving your Real Estate goals.
After Building A 7-Figure Real Estate Portfolio While Working On The Road As A Police Officer...
...I have packaged a proven process that will allow you to acquire your first property within the next 3-6 months, use other peoples money to finance your investment, help you increase your monthly income by $600 - $1,000+ for each property you invest in and help you grow your wealth by 10%, 27% or even 40% each year.

Interested to hear more...?


($5,000 Value)

  • Introduction Video:  Welcoming you into the Bootcamp & what to expect
  • Module 1: Building Your New Paradigm
  • Module 2: Building Your Foundation
  • Module 3: Understanding the Numbers
  • Module 4: Mortgages 
  • Module 5: Creative Financing 
  • Module 6: Wholesaling & Finding Off-Market Deals
  • Module 7: Buy-Reno-Rent-Refi (BRRR) Strategy to Scale
  • Module 8: Dominating AirBnB & Short-Term Rentals
  • Module 9: Choosing the Path For You
  • Module 10: Apartment Syndications
  • Module 11: (CPA Advice) Accounting & Structuring
  • Module 12: Building Your Power Team
  • Module 13: Choosing Your Perfect Market
  • Congratulations: 90 Day Action Plan
  • BONUS MODULE: How To Find & Screen Tenants Blueprint

Normal Price: $697

NOW ONLY: $497!

A Word From Your Instructor:

Dave Knight

Officer/ Real estate investor
Creator of the Real Estate Investing Bootcamp

My name is Dave Knight, and I help First Responders just like you set up & manage multiple streams of income using real estate - without disrupting your work or family schedule - so you can ultimately work less, retire faster, and build real wealth for generations (something our pensions can't do).

As a police officer in my tenth year on the road, I know the discussion of finances and building wealth outside the workplace isn’t always a topic of choice, and can even be taboo inside the workplace environment.

However I’ve been able to grow a multi-million dollar real estate portfolio on one single income, which has led me to multiply my yearly income (through optimizing both Active & Passive investing strategies). 

I remember working countless over-time hours as a police officer, in addition to working on my days off at my residential painting business I used to own. This was just to pay my mortgage and bills the first couple years working the road. 

I specifically remember one OT shift, it was freezing outside in -20c weather holding a traffic point… and thinking to myself: “IS THIS IT? …is this the ONLY way to create more income and get ahead in life outside of my salary for the next 25-30 years of my career?”

I had to find a way where I didn’t always have to exchange my time for dollars…
I know many “retired” first responders today who are forced to work past eligible retirement due to poor financial decisions, divorces, or other setbacks throughout a career no fault of their own.

I didn’t want to be that guy. I love my job and platoon…but I’m inspired by freedom and control. What does financial freedom mean? It's the ability to control my time, have enough passive income to sustain my lifestyle, and spend my time and share experiences with the ones that matter most. 

I quickly learned it was the financial decisions being made throughout a career that made the difference. Not the promotions and pay bumps.  

Now, I want to pass on the information I have learned through my experiences, education, and mentors over the years, and give it to those who are willing to commit & change their lives too. 
You Can Also Follow Me Through My Podcast:
The First Responders Wealth Network Podcast was created to help ALL First Responders and the 911 Community become educated and exposed to the possibilities of real estate investing, the strategies used to grow your wealth, and to stop relying on your paycheque and pensions alone.

Top millionaire investors, industry leading professionals, and success stories from other First Responder investors throughout World are showcased weekly to share their journey and lessons learned.

My mission is to help educate, inspire to take action, create a network, and change ALL first responders mindset on how they approach and control their financial future, their family's future, and to live a life with love, grit, abundance, and purpose.  #911WealthNetwork 
But don't just take my word for it...

Here's Proof... 

"Now, we have 3 rentals and we're also investing in the passive space, and that's all because of Dave... "
"If you're sitting on the fence about getting a coach or a mentor, just do it... the reward far outweighs the cost and it pays for itself over and over again..."
"The way Dave is, he's not just a coach or a mentor, I feel like he's more of a friend... "
"I was able to fully retire at the age of 32 and pursue some other things..."
"The best past of the entire training was that once I got on my own to analyze deals, I had Dave to call to help me..."
"This helps you get over your initial fear of failure and now Im looking at hopefully getting 2 new properties under my belt this year..."


  • What results should I expect from taking this course?
    By taking this First Responders Wealth Network's Real Estate Investing Online Training Bootcamp course you will have all the knowledge that's needed to be successful in Real Estate investing, the ability to choose a path that best suits your goals by learning from some of the industries top investors and professionals, and have the competence to go out and do it! In addition to the skills learned, you will know how to build your team, know the numbers, and have the resources to succeed. You will also know exactly which markets to invest into, and which properties are perfect for you depending on your goals. 

  • How is the course delivered?
    Our Real Estate Investing Online Training Bootcamp course is delivered 100% online with video modules, pdf downloads, and practical forms and questionnaires to help you step-by-step through the investing roadmap. You also have access to a members-only Facebook networking group to share your stories with and ask questions, and to build your team and network of other investors on the journey with you. The course does not come with any other products.

  • How long do I have to complete the course?
    With the online course, you get lifetime access to the course and all videos are on demand. This way you can complete the course at your own pace, review all crucial lessons and training as needed. It is your resource you can refer to time and time again.
  • Does the course come with support?
    This is a self-learning course. The course comes with access to a Private Facebook Group where you will receive support from other members, including Dave who will do Q&A's within the facebook group from time to time. An opportunity that one on one coaching students normally pay thousands for. Dave's network is also present in the group to assist as much as possible with answering questions.

  • How do I gain access to the private FB group?
    You will get an email with the private link! Or else, go to Facebook and search First Responders Wealth Network, and then request to join. Please note you will not gain access if your information doesn’t match your account, or if you do not agree to the group rules. 

  • ​I still have questions, what do I do?
    Please reach out to me through email at:


    • Do I need to get a Real Estate license?
      Absolutely not. Your role here is to become a Real Estate investor, not a licensed agent or broker. This is for the every day person to build passive income outside of your 9 to 5 or Shiftwork / First Responder role.

    • How much time will it take to become an expert investor?
      The goal of this course is to teach you how to become a leader of a team who does the heavy lifting for you. We like to teach people how to grow and work ON their investments, not INSIDE doing the heavy lifting. From your Real Estate broker, project manager, property manager, to your legal team and accountant, you will learn how to spend the least amount of time in it, so you can spend your time where you value it most. Thats true freedom.
    • How do I gain access to the private FB group?
      You will get an email with the private link! Or else, go to Facebook and search First Responders Wealth Network, and then request to join. Please note you will not gain access if your information doesn’t match your account, or if you do not agree to the group rules.

    • ​Will this Bootcamp help me to invest in and out of various States, Provinces, or even out of Country?
      Yes! This course is relevant in any market. While every market is not ideal for investing in cash flowing property, you will understand how to identify which areas are hot, and which aren't, plus know how to invest into markets you don't live in, regardless of your geographical location. Every market can be different, but the fundamentals never change, which is the foundation of real estate investing. You can take these skills and knowledge we teach and be successful anywhere! Let us show you how!
      Ready to discover how this can work for you...?

      Click below to get Started Now!

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      You Will Receive The Entire Real Estate Investing Bootcamp Course, Available for a limited time.
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